Friday, December 19, 2008

Watch out Janie, now I have a good camera , too.

I got my Merry Christmas, a Canon EOS Rebel xsi, with a whole crap load of lenses and memory and flash and filters and tripods and cases and how in the world does anyone have enough spare time to ever figure one of these things out. And just how detailed should a picture be, 12.2 mega pixels , takes a lot of memory on my laptop. I will just upgrade to a bigger hard drive , I guess.

I can now zoom in on a blemish , or zit to the cellular point. I am not real sure that is a good thing. But I love it and surely I will be able to figure this out eventually, or have a lot of fun trying anyway. I have included a picture I took of two of my employees both with swells . I titled this photo Karmen gets her butt kicked by a baby. They think it is hilarious.
Anyway it runs in the family right Janie? I will inately know all you have learned about photography in the last 30 years , right? Yeah, right.
Thanks for your time
Scott E

Saturday, December 13, 2008


121!! That is the # of dead deer (fresh) on the road between Big Spring, Tx and Austin, Tx on 12-12-08. My bud ,Mac, and I went to pick up #1s car from UT yesterday. We left BS @ 2pm and got back at 2 am. Fast trip except for visiting with Tony & Jeanette. Nice apartment kids!

Mac and I got bored with this trip earlier this year, and we decided we would count deer next trip. In the south bound leg , we counted 24 dead deer. Mostly between Brady and Llano. During the north bound trip 97 deer--Only 11 between Llano and Brady!!! The major slaughter of dumb deer was from San Angelo to Big Spring. Full Moon maybe? I wonder how much money is spent at auto body repair shops due to collisions with deer? I'll bet there are some rich Christmas mornings at the shop owners this year. MERRY CHRISTMAS KIDS!!

I think the insurance companies of Texas should pool together some money to High Fence the Highway. Untold Millions would be saved over the years. But then we would likely have to bail out the Body Shops of Texas.
We made it back with all intact-trailer lights not withstanding. 43' of dodge and darting driving.
we may have missed a few of the deer--please do not use this data in any scientific polls or surveys. Data might be good for a dissertation or a master thesis , but I am probably not the expert in this field.

Thanks for your time

pictures of my xmas present to my wife!

Don't you think she will love it???? This is why we are still married-I am very thoughful!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas presents pick themselves around here!!!

It all started on Thanksgiving Day!!! After feeding the masses, the missus said,"Sccccooootttt, the kitchen sink is not draining!!!) We have remodeled her family home and our new kitchen has two sinks. All of the plumbing in the house is new-except for 1 drain. Yepper, the kitchen sink with the DISHWASHER attached. It would have been a major floor chipping operation to replace that drain in the beginning, traversing 20 feet diagonally across the kitchen to where the drain intersects with the bathroom. Soooooooo.........I left it. The only old drain in the house.
#3S and I get the plunger and run hot water--PLUNGE, sploop,PLUNGE , sploop. The water drains -YEEHI!
Fast Forward 1 week----Scoooooottttttt-the damn drain is slow again. #3S and I go to work ----PLUNGE,sploop,PLUNGE,sploop. The water drains_YEEEEHI!
Fast Forward 1 week----I notice DUCT TAPE xed across sink. Hon, are you working on the sink?? I asked incredulously! Why didn't you call me? Whats going on??
Well it seems that the sink had run slow again, and my better half decided to fix it herself. She found a chemical that you dissolve in hot water and the bacteria will eat your drains clean. I let this slide because I have been married long enough now to know better. YYYEEAAAAAHHH

Two days later , I decide it is time to do something else. So me and #3S go to work----Hot-Hot water, rags to plug off the vent and second drain, plunger, and off we go. PLUNGE-sploop_PLUNGE-glub(glub????)--PLUNGE---NADA--PLUNGE-NADA-PLUNGE-NADA!!!!
SHITSHITSHITSHITTERSHIT! (or fluckity,fluck,fluck,fluck)
Okay , hon I think we may have to break down and call a plumber! Hope we can snake this out.
I will call first thing in the morning.
6am- she said" GET OUT OF BED-THE KITCHEN IS FLOODED" I get up and sure enough I had forgotten about the RO unit. It takes 3 gallons of city water to make 1 gallon of drinking water! The extra 2 gallons goes down the drain-----or in this case ----fills up the sink and runs out in the floor. Of course if I had not decided to try to plunge the sink and filled it up with hot water it would not have run out on the floor.
Plumber arrives at 9 am..........................................5pm still clogged. Seems the old cast iron pipe has decided that his work is done. The plumber decides to call it a day. We will start over in the morning.
Present day--We are on day 3 of the Wacky World of Plumbing! There are multitudes of equipment in our front yard. A Komotsu track hoe, a diamond tipped bladed concrete saw, jack-hammer, air compressor, shovels, picks, and piles of rubble. Concrete , mud, dirt and chipped up brick and tile are everywhere. We cant just bring the drain out the wall , we have to attach the vent to it also. More brick, concrete, and of course MONEY!
After talking to our plumber, we all decided that I would hire the concrete and brick repair out to someone who specializes in that genre of construction. Since the plumbers charge me $105 per hour , I know I can save some money there. The plumbing work should finish up tomorrow, and the concrete\brick\tile guy is coming over Saturday.
My lovely wife looked at me this evening and said"You don't have to get me a Christmas present". I have already told you I have been married too long to fall for one like that.

I think I will get her a disposal! Yeah! That will surprise her, and she will like it. Now where will I find the electricity to run it?????? Okay , I'll call an electrician!!!!! Pictures of my front yard -I will post in the morning.
Thanks for your time ,
Merry CHRISTmas!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Home Interior Mackenzie style!

Sorry about the picture quality -cell phone camera is always handy! She sure is proud of her design ability. She can REDO a room in about 2 minutes. And I love it. I just seems right until you step on one of her toys in the middle of the night. Ahhhhhhhh Grandkids , gotta love em!
By the way , the picture of the young man with me on the header is my #1 son , a senior at UT and the father of this beautiful girl.
Thanks for your time,

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Really Really Just Rambling

I own a discount tobacco store in my home town. The only one in town to be truthful. Today the local news media, Channel 7 KOSA, called me to see if they could film inside my store???
It seems after a fatality in a trailer house fire last week, the authorities deciphered that a burning cigarette started the fire. Combine that with a new law about removing the chemicals that keep a cig lit that enacts in January, and my store looked like a good place for a panoramic view of a plethora of cancer sticks.
I talked with the reporter on the phone and gave my permission to video tape the interior of the store.

My point , You ask? Well , I opened this little store 10 years ago. I naively assumed that a law that was in committee in the Texas Senate would become law. I forgot that MalWart and BEH along with others had the same right to own Lobbyists as anyone. I am referring to a law that has been quashed term after term. This law was to basically remove tobacco products from any establishment that allowed minors in the building.
You know- like a liquor store has been your whole life! I was gonna be rich!!
Well, 10 years later, a lot has changed , and the place is profitable. Anything vice related-eh Bro-IN-Law! Inside Joke sorry!
I think this is a unique example of our government at work. Here you have a bill, that makes it thru the whole process, and becomes a law. Really -We are taking out the chemical(s) that keep a cigarette burning, but we are leaving all of the addictive chemicals. And the ones known to cause cancer. Out of all of our legislators-not one thought about adding this to this law? Buuuullllssssshhhhhhiiiiiittttttt!
The money talks and the rest of us take it up the butt.
No one cares if the cigarette goes out-the end user will like it better. He can relight his smoke now. No one will holler too loud-The only ones hurt are the co that makes the chemical (salt-peter) and The tobacco co that decided to add the chemical in the first place. They sure aren't gonna holler cause if they comply they get to keep all the subsidies the Fed gives them.
And they look like they are doing something for the end user. Formerly known as a smoker. Now can be found at social outcast areas statewide!
By the way isn't salt-peter something the Fed gave soldiers to keep the lead out of their pencils during the war. Wow, I wonder if Viagra stock will soften? MILF will love that!!!!!!
I have prattled on way too long-but if you happened to watch the 6 pm news, that was my store!
Did you see it?
Now we are BIGTIME-heee heeee

Thanks for your time